Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Today's challenge...
Can you sort?! Maybe it is your breakfast or your toys at clean up but today I want you to try and sort things! Maybe you are putting only tall things together or things that are blue, maybe you put all of the rough things together or the soft things...whatever it is just brush up on those skills:) Lots of love, Miss Brittney
Friday, April 24, 2020
Dance it out Friday
Happy Friday Everyone! I'm so glad this is today's theme because I need a pick me up-it is really lonely packing up your classroom without 10 little bodies running around helping me:) So keep myself from breaking down every five seconds (seriously, there is nothing more lonely than being in a place that is usually so full of life and noise while it is empty!) I am rocking out to a very eclectic playlist...seriously I am singing Avril Lavine while typing this and I just got done dancing to Pocahontas songs, oh but wait...Terri Clark and "Girls Lie Too" just came on:) So have fun, be silly, and just dance and sing your little hearts out kiddos!
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Thankful Thursday
Today's theme is post something you are thankful for....
1)My amazing family!!!!!
1)My amazing family!!!!!
2)Wonderful friends!!! 3) Not fish exactly lol but all of the other wonderful things of nature!
4)Incredible coworkers who are always game for your crazy ideas like playing with water balloons with 60 little kiddos:)
5)My sweet, loving, crazy, fun nephews and nieces!!!
And of course 6) this kind, silly, loving bunch of goofballs:)
Enjoy counting your blessings today!
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Sorry for the delay:(
Anyone else having internet issues?! So this was supposed to be our Preschool Spirit week but since my internet would not let me load this, we will have to start today! Here are some fun ideas for each day that all Preschoolers can do!
*Play together Wednesday! Play a game with your family!
*Thankful Thursday! Take a picture of something you are thankful for...
*Dance Party Friday! Join us for a virtual dance party through our email dance video!!!!!
Feel free to send me the pictures you take and I will put them on the blog:)
Some business to take care of...I will be sending out an email by Friday detailing at school pick up for extra clothes and the couple of crafts that we had at school and some end of the school year wrap up stuff....
Here is Preschool's play together Wednesday- all of the Preschoolers playing together on the 100th day of school back in January!
Thank you all so much for the videos, our Music video will be so awesome!!!!! I have passed them along to our producer (aka Mrs. Ratcliff's tech savy daughter:) so hopefully it will be done by Friday:)
*Play together Wednesday! Play a game with your family!
*Thankful Thursday! Take a picture of something you are thankful for...
*Dance Party Friday! Join us for a virtual dance party through our email dance video!!!!!
Feel free to send me the pictures you take and I will put them on the blog:)
Some business to take care of...I will be sending out an email by Friday detailing at school pick up for extra clothes and the couple of crafts that we had at school and some end of the school year wrap up stuff....
Here is Preschool's play together Wednesday- all of the Preschoolers playing together on the 100th day of school back in January!
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Dancing out the stress
Hey kiddos, I miss our dance parties and singing disney songs to wake you up from naptime...so here is a little video of Ms. Brittney singing Let it Go:) I usually sound much better when we crank the music so you can't actually hear me sing LOL but it is amazing how happy this made me, if you are feeling stressed, depressed, anxious, or all of the above, I strongly recommend a dance party!!!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
This ones kind of for the girls....
Hey Darlings, remember when you made me so beautiful by curling my blocks, putting on my "make-up" with a paintbrush, and did my "lipstick" with a toy plane...I could really use your help right about now!
Love~Your teacher who is missing your creative and imaginative play...
and who may or may not have brushed her hair before putting it up today...:)
So today I challenge you....let your imagination soar!!!! Play dress up, set up a store, create a restaurant, build a kingdom out of blocks and save it from a dragon, fly away on a vacation, become a firefighter! Just have a ton of fun!!!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
A challenge for today....
So we just had my nephews do an indoor scavenger hunt and it was pretty fun! Today I challenge you to do a scavenger hunt! It can be for letters, shapes, colors, or random silly items!!!! If you need more ideas, there should be a few on the Pinterest pages:)
Monday, April 13, 2020
After Easter Report
Good Morning!! I hope you all got to enjoy a glorious Easter filled with a lot of great memories! The Easter Bunny brought me some new "I hate Mondays" jammies, a copious amount of Reese's eggs (that may already be half gone...), and some sour patch kids! I was planning on us coming back to school by now or sometime in the close future but since that is not happening, I will attach some more work here in case you need some...again, I have no concerns about where these kiddos are and where they will be next year, as long as you spend some time reviewing letters and numbers everyday I think they will be fine so don't feel like you need to do everything I am putting on here. I know it is all pretty overwhelming:) However, if you have the time and are looking for some ways to extend their learning here are some great activities, ideas, websites, scavenger hunts. If you are like me and don't have a printer at home, you can always turn the worksheets into search and finds around your house...I hope you all have a wonderful day and that the weather starts to be nice again soon! Here is the link to my "Quarantine Work" page on Pinterest!
I'm going to start posting some pictures from our year because I usually put a slideshow together but this might be my alternative this year...look at how little :) :( :) :( :) :(
I'm going to start posting some pictures from our year because I usually put a slideshow together but this might be my alternative this year...look at how little :) :( :) :( :) :(
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Good Friday
So obnoxiously I had to split this story into three different videos so it would upload but this is my favorite Easter book from my childhood it is called Good Friday and explains why we call it "good'' even though it was the day when such a sad event occured...
So this is Jesus (ok not really, we are pretending today:)
This is His tomb...
After Jesus died, they put special spices on His body to help keep His body safe (spread butter on the crescent rolls...)
Place "Jesus"in the tomb and cover with cinnamon/sugar mixture....
Wrap Jesus (marshmallow) up in the tomb (crescent roll)...I usually spread a little butter and put a little cinnamon sugar on top to help with flavoring:)
And after Jesus died He was in the tomb for 3 days (in this case the oven at 350 for 11 minutes:) and then He came back to life so when you "open" (bite into) the tomb, Jesue (marshmallow) won't be in there anymore!
And done!
Let's see if Jesus came back to life and left the tomb.........
AHHHHH!!!!!! He did, the tomb is empty!!!!!! Jesus came back to life and now He is in your heart<3 I hope you are able to enjoy this little Easter science experiment, if you don't have crescent rolls, I think any dough should work, also I would recommend using wax paper on your cookie sheet, they tend to get a little sticky....Happy Easter everyone!
My favorite Youtube video explaining Easter at a kids level:
and Veggietales Easter...
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Holy Thursday
Normally I would be hosting a passover feast in my classroom complete with Ritz crackers and Grape Juice....then I would read from our Beginners Bible about how Jesus ate dinner with His friends (a dinner just like we just had!) and then He did something really nice but really gross...Jesus washed His friends feet!!!! (At which point I make a really stinky face and remind them how much I hate feet:) After the giggling and squealling dies down, I talk to them about why Jesus did this...even though it is kind of gross, Jesus was all about wanting to help people right? So Jesus helped His friends by doing something nice for them, He washed their dirty feet....Now is washing people's feet the only way to be nice like Jesus? At which point we go through all of the ways we can be nice like Jesus. Then I would wash their feet like Jesus did, then it would be their turn and we would go around to teachers in the big school and ask them if we could wash their feet and be kind like Jesus was...Some of those things obviously can't happen this year but I encourage you to do this as a family, to remind each other that with Jesus in our hearts, we need to show His kindness and Love to others!
Here are some awesome youtube video about Easter that goes along with our Beginners Bible that we usually read in class...
And here are some photos from when we did it last year:

Here are some awesome youtube video about Easter that goes along with our Beginners Bible that we usually read in class...
And here are some photos from when we did it last year:
Ok so they totally didn't have grape juice pouches in Jesus' day but hey:)

Monday, April 6, 2020
Teaching Easter
Happy Holy Week Everyone! I cannot express my deep sadness at not getting to teach Easter this year-I know it is one of the most confusing topics to try to teach kiddos but honestly, every year it deepens my faith to be able to come up with ways to share the greatness of Easter with the kiddos and to see their genuine excitement every time that I say Jesus came back to life! This year, I hope you can get as much out of talking about Easter with your child as I always do!!! So...Today I am posting some of my favorite Easter crafts! Tomorrow I will share my Holy Thursday themed lesson plans and on Friday I will share my Good Friday themed lesson plans. Included in your child's work packet is a recipe for Reserection Rolls- I know ingredients might be tight right now but if you have the chance, I highly recommend making them!!! 1:They are delicious! 2: The kiddos are amazed when they bite into the "tomb" and find that "Jesus" is no longer inside (which is when I tell them that He came back to life and now lives in our hearts:) All you need is crescent rolls (or some kind of dough) and marshmallows, and cinamon sugar....I am thinking of all of you and wishing you a very happy holy week!
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