Monday, January 28, 2019

Catholic Schools Week

We are almost done with the Catholic Schools Week craziness and I am kind of sad but I think they have really enjoyed their first Catholic Schools Week. Here are some pictures of our student appreciation movie and popcorn morning, our scavenger hunt with the whole school, and the pep assembly where the CHEERLEADERS were! 

Today was the Oddwalk Ministries Assembly, there was a lot of song and dance happening:) So of course they loved it

They enjoyed going to the Prayer Service this morning and making Valentine's for the nursing home with their big buddies. Then we got to go to the glow dance, they enjoyed it but were most excited about getting the run into so many older siblings:)

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Friday, January 4, 2019


Some business news for you-registration packets are going home tonight!!! If you plan on sending your child to St. Peter's for Preschool next year, please fill out the packet and bring it back to school by JANUARY 18th. After January 18th registration will be open to everyone and places will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. This registration is like a place holder for your child to be in Preschool, enrollment forms and paperwork will be sent out in July to be filled out for the next school year. I know in the past there has been a waiting list for Preschool, so to ensure you have a place and your pick of days (MWF, T/TH) please fill out and send in as soon as possible. Thanks!
I am truly thankful that you chose to send you child to St. Peter's and am so honored that I get to be their first teacher at this school. It as been lovely getting to know everyone and I hope to see everyone back next year. If you have any questions about the registration process, please let me know:) Have a great weekend, rest up because we have a 5 day week next week and judging by all of the napping happening right now, 2 days wiped them out:)

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Welcome Back!

Hello Families! It sounds like everyone had a wonderful break! I am so glad to have everyone back!! We are doing some random, fun stuff this week just to get us back in the groove! Today we went to church and looked at the nativity up close! They loved petting the animals and seeing the big nativity figures. There are going to be a lot of upcoming events (100th day of school, an in school "snow day", Catholic Schools Week), I will up date you with information as I receive it:) Have a wonderful afternoon!
Miss Brittney

Happy Summer!