Monday, November 30, 2020

Decorating Tornadoes


So if you can't tell from the 73 pictures...we had a very busy day decorating LOL Some of these are from a horrible angle because I was standing on top of my desk while they handed me garland and then they had to grab Mrs. Ratcliff to see if our loops were the same length but they got crazy excited and distracted trying to show her all of them...but we had a long talk about not climbing on furniture without permission and without someone there to catch you;) Now we are going to take a break for the day and finish tomorrow because I am exhausted!

Our beautiful tree!!! Ms. Brittney might have to do a little even-ning out after they go to sleep...:)

Oh Christmas tree....oh christmas tree!

For my birthday, my parents sent me a balloon and a little live christmas tree, the kiddos were pretty excited about the balloon:)

So we started a new tradition today-every day of advent a kiddo will get to unwrap a special Christmas book for me to read to the class. Today's was all about the star at Jesus's birth!

Helping fluffle the tree!! 

We enjoyed some chocolate cake for morning snack as my birthday treat and the after effects were.... interesting. We had chocolate faces, chocolate fingers, and some loud crazy children but I'm going to contribute that last one to a full moon and Christmas decorating excitement😉

We got to light the first candle on our advent wreath today! Each day the prayer leader will get a trim to blow out the candle. I was so proud of how understanding the kiddos were of waiting until it is their turn to do a candle!! We talked a lot today about using advent to get our hearts ready for Jesus' birthday...they are already working hard for it!

The first rule of helping decorate in Ms. Brittney's class is you have to help clean everything!!! They got right to work and made our room shine!

Happy Summer!