Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday What to Know

Thank you for sending in the money for the snack cart, the kiddos loved getting to use money to buy their own snack and all of the money will go toward a new preschool playground so win, win! Tomorrow we will be working on a vocations craft with our big buddies and going to a winter Olympics themed Pep Rally in the afternoon. Have a great day and we will see you after school.
Miss Brittney

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

And we are off to the races

Catholic Schools Week is off to a great start! I think they have enjoyed all of the fun games. Tomorrow they get to buy a special snack from the snack cart if they bring in 50 cents (all of the money goes to a new preschool playground!). Then we are going to spend some time making our school look beautiful! Stay tuned for more Catholic Schools Week news. You can see all of the pictures from our week under the Catholic Schools Week heading. See you after school.
Miss Brittney

Friday, January 26, 2018

Till the weekend comes round again

Happy Friday everyone. Sorry I was only with you all for 2 days this week but it sounds like everything went smoothly. Catholic Schools Week starts on Saturday with a student led mass at St. Andrew's in Holts Summit. Then we will start our week of festivities here at school. Monday we will be decorating cookies with our big buddies to be put into packages for local community leaders and having a glow dance in the gym!! If you could try and put them in white or neon clothing on Monday it will make them glow even better. Have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday.
Miss Brittney

Thursday, January 25, 2018

100th Day of School

Happy 100th Day of school families! We are really enjoying ourselves today and have counted to 100 probably 100 times today. Well maybe only 10 times but still they have counted to 100 a lot and gotten to see how much 100 looks like. I can't believe we have been together 100 days already! The time is going so fast (I guess that is what happens when you miss the first 3 days of the week) because we are now on the downhill slide, there are only approximately 80 days left of school. I can't wait to make more memories with the kiddos, I missed them so much while I was out. With Catholic Schools Week coming up next week, there is a lot more fun to come! See you after school.
Miss Brittney

Friday, January 19, 2018

The weekend is coming, the weekend is coming

And thank goodness for that because I think these little guys need a break. They have been awesome all week but we have all (myself included) been struggling with runny noses, coughs, and other not feeling good symptoms. Hopefully with the warm weather and the weekend we can all make a nice recovery because next week and the week after that are going to be non-stop between the 100th day of school, do I for ice (with includes a special surprise party next Friday...), and Catholic Schools week we will fly right into February.
So have a great, relaxing weekend and we will see you on Monday!
Miss Brittney

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Registration News

It is that time of year all ready folks! If you would like to send your child back to St. Peter's again next year you need to register now. I have a few registration packets in my classroom if you would like one or you can pick one up in the office. You can also find the registration paperwork on the school website under the Preschool tab.
I do not know if I got to tell everyone last night so here is today's full disclaimer:
We are making T-shirts for our 100th Day of school using fabric paint. While we are taking precautions to keep it off of their clothes, their hands are a different matter. For the most part it has been coming off really well but if you happen to glance at your child's hands and it looks like they have been bleeding, I assure you they are fine (probably, I mean I don't know what happens after they leave my classroom) it was just some paint that we couldn't get off :)
See you after school.
Miss Brittney

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

No News is good news

Well then today must be great because I have no new news! Stay warm and enjoy hearing all about your kiddos marshmallow day at school! See you after school.
Miss Brittney

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tuesday is here

Good Afternoon! I hope everyone is staying warm! I love looking out at the snow and being in our nice warm classroom together. Then we walk outside to go to lunch and all those warm, cozy feelings fade to 44 days until Spring, we got this! However miserable the weather might feel right now, it is making for a nice real life connection to our theme of mittens for the week (flashback to trying to teach fall when it was 80 degrees in September lol). Tomorrow we will be tying it in with marshmallows in our hot chocolate!
Tomorrow I will be sending home info on the One Hundreth Day of school and Catholic Schools week. I will be asking for some things to be sent in for those days so please look over the information. Thanks! See you after school!
Miss Brittney

Friday, January 12, 2018


Original title, huh? Hope the unexpected snow day wasn't too much of an inconvenience. The kiddos really enjoyed it, they keep asking when they get to go back to their mom and dad's work after school lol. No school on Monday due to Martin Luther King Day, then we will kick Tuesday with M is for Mittens!!! Have a fantastic weekend, stay warm!
See you after school.
Miss Brittney

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Wednesday Wrap-up

We're halfway there! Week wise and day wise so I guess we are halfway, halfway there-go us! There are some big events coming up in January-Catholic Schools week and the 100th Day of school so be on the lookout for info on those events!
That's all folks! See you after school.
Miss Brittney

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday Reprt

Hello, Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great day! We did some snowflake decorating today and read a story about a magical snowman (completely different from Frosty, just FYI:).
Parent teacher conferences are on Thursday, January 11th so there will be no after care. If you would like a conference, please return your sheet ASAP (my schedule is not full so if you want a conference but did not fill out the sheet, come in between 3:00-7:00 and I can conference with you). You can always catch me before or after school for a chat if need be.
I think that is it for today. Have a great afternoon and we will see you after school.
Miss Brittney

Monday, January 8, 2018

Let the snow week begin!

We are doing some off my favorite themes the next few weeks and I cannot wait to share the joy with the kiddos. First on the agenda, S for snowmen and snowflakes! Today we made melted snowmen and they are so adorable!
Just some general announcements/reminders: Tonight parent teacher conference forms will be sent home. If you would like a conference on January 11th, please fill it out and send it back TOMORROW! If that is inconvenient, please know that you can stop in any time and chat with me before or after school, or just email me and we can set up a time and date that works for you. As always you can email me any questions or concerns you may have as well.
Since there are parent teacher conferences after school on Thursday, there will be NO AFTERCARE Thursday, January 11th. Sorry for the inconvenience, this conference snuck up on me.
I think that is it for today. Have a great afternoon, see you after school.
Miss Brittney

Friday, January 5, 2018

It feels like our week just started

But next week fully back to normal with S for snowman and snowflakes. In Religion we are going to take a look at the Holy Family and see if they think Jesus was just like them when he was little. Just a few things today, a fundraiser packet is going home tonight if you would like to participate. Please return it by January 22nd. Also, on Monday Parent Teacher Conference forms will be going home. As I posted a while back, I do not do assessments this quarter because of how broken up it is with all of the Holidays and breaks. I do constant observation and assessments in class and from what I have seen all of the students are progressing on track. If you have any personal concerns or questions, feel free to sign up for a conference or you can always catch me before school or on Wednesdays I will be in after care. Thanks and have a great weekend! See you after school.
Miss Brittney

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Reunited and it feels so right!

Good Afternoon! We have had a very cold start to our school year so it looks like an inside recess week. Our day has been full of sharing Christmas stories and catching up with our friends. This week we are finishing the numbers we didn't get to before break and learning about the Epiphany. Tomorrow we will be having an Epiphany party and pretending to be the Three Kings!!!
I hope everyone is having a great day, and we will see you after school!
Miss Brittney

Happy Summer!