Friday, May 5, 2023

All the fun things 😉

What a beach week! Whew, it was so full of good times and great learning! Today we learned a lot about gravity after we got dragged into the Whipped Cream Challenge... We even got some outgoing teachers and staff to join in on the learning:)


Happy Lunch Hero Day! We can't thank our AMAZING lunch ladies enough for their delicious meals and their flexibility in going along with any scheme that Ms. Brittney comes up with!

Today's vacation destination...FIJI!!! It ws a long flight (we even had to pit stop for fuel along the way) but eventually we got to enjoy some Beach Umbrella drinks, a little cloud watching, some surfing, dolphin/mermaid watching, and beach yoga! Then we headed inside to learn about the jungles in Fiji...and decided we like the beach a lot better than the creepy, crazy animals hiding in the jungle!

The kiddos had a lot of fun trying our Sweet Treat Gravity Challenge! Their faces when one of them actually caught it:) They have been told that if they want to do it at home, this is one of those- ask permission first and say that you are doing it outside- things:)

I hope you enjoyed visiting all these different beaches like we did! Here is a link to Ms. Jay's blog with a lot of other videos 🤣

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