A look at our Powwow that we had after lunch!
When God gives you snow, you have to go play in it! We had fun spending a few minutes catching snowflakes, running, throwing, and playing with the snow!

Then we headed inside to warm up by the fire and have some Hot Chocolate! Shoutout to the cooks for letting me borrow their hot chocolate mix since I was totally unprepared for this day to come LOL
We learned a bit more about Native Americans today, about how their lifestyles were similar and different than the pilgrims (kudos to these kiddos for immediately noticing how many similarities there were!) We also talked about how Native Americans would get their names from things they were good at...The kiddos made headdresses and thought about a special skill they had and then we brainstormed their names...Can you guess what your kiddo thinks they're good at? Ask them about their name after school and see if they can explain it to you:)
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