Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Making trees

Update: and happy birthday Alex!!


Just another day of doing all things fall!! The Farmers Market is going strong-serving apple cider and caramel apples along with some cute little furry friends!

Letters were falling off of our fall tree today! The kiddos took turns pulling leaves off the tree and then the students had to write down the letter on their own-they even found two words that they can read-Fall and No:)
 Every single team was able to decide who would go first, second, and third-I was especially impressed by how many kiddos offered to let their teammates go first-I know they made God smile:)

To get ready for Kindergarten, we did some color, cut, sorting and glueing work...then we used our book to help us research which leaves were on our page.

And for our dangerous center today...the kiddos were the cold fall wind telling the trees not to make chlorophyll anymore. Then they put colorful leaves (crayon shavings) on their trees and finally they watched from a secure location as Ms. Brittney ran an iron over the trees to make the leaves melt together:)

A perfect day for Chili and Cinnamon Rolls!

Happy 5th Birthday, Makenna! Thanks for the birthday treats! This afternoon we will get to celebrate another friend's birthday....Alex!

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