Friday, March 25, 2022

A Friday Sacrifice


The older grades went to the Mass for the Consecration of Ukraine and Russia, the students really wanted to go to mass but it started during our lunch time so we did watch a bit of the mass on the smartboard.

We talked about Ukraine and Russia today, I told the students that there were two countries, like the United States is a country, kind of far away from us who were not being friends right now. They are being mean with each other and making the people in their countries very sad. I told them that a lot of people would be going to mass to pray for them to be friends again. Since we couldn't go to church because of lunch, I suggested to the students that we do a small sacrifice-we have a silent lunch. We talked about how a sacrifice is something that is a little hard for us to do but shows God how serious we are about our prayers. We agreed that instead of talking or playing rock paper scissors at the table, that after we finished eating we would put our heads down to talk to God about how we hoped for everyone to be kind, helpful, and friends in this world. I was so proud of how well these kiddos did! They made it through the entire lunch! 

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