They have been hard at work wrapping their Christmas presents for you, Mom and Dad! They cut the paper, taped, picked out ribbon, cut ribbon, and even helped tie the ribbon. Then they picked out the gift tag and wrote their name on it!! Now to see if they can keep it a secret...;)
Our Advent book today was "The Little Lost Angel" one of my favorites! They understood the angel sharing her gifts with others until we got to the part where the angel shares her wings with a little boy who can't walk...there was a very in depth discussion of the physical improbabilities of that one..."why did she give them away?" "But now she can't fly" "but how did she take them off?" "but then how did she put them on the boy" "but who is going to teach him to fly" *Insert face palm emoji here please*
Very dramatically blowing out today's candles...they are still asking about the pink one, I really hope the moment holds up to the hype when we light it on Monday;)
My little elves helped me deliver gifts to some very deserving people this morning! Our cooks and our janitors are beyond amazing and the kiddos were very excited to make them so happy this morning!
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