Our Preschool Art Auction to benefit Mary's Meals is just 2 weeks away!!! We have been working very hard on these lovely projects so please plan to attend Friday, March 20th and help support some very sweet kids! I don't know if you will have as hard of a time as I do picking out your favorite piece:)
They helped me stamp hearts in an Ombre pattern...
Our Chiefs Piece that features their names and fingerprints AND it was signed by Governor Parson on his visit to our classroom!!!!!!

Adorable flower pot featuring flowers made from their fingers and finger prints!
You are my Sunshine piece featuring sunbeams with their names that they water color painted (one of my faves!!!!!!)
Love you to the Moon and Back~They helped me pick out and place all the buttons (another of my absolute favorites!)
A Preschool Prayer- a lovely cross filled in with their finger prints, enclosed by our morning prayer and all of their names...I make this one every year and I absolutely LOVE IT!
And finally a serving tray for picnics and BBQ's this summer featuring fingerprint watermelon seeds and fingerprint ants:)
Still to come...our footprint very hungry caterpillar, still have some finishing touches to add:)
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