Friday, December 1, 2017


Good Afternoon Everyone! We have been having a lot of fun getting our classroom ready for Christmas. We have talked about Advent and will be using an Advent wreath for Prayer until Christmas. There are a lot of materials going home to help you celebrate the season as well. Here is a little outline of everything that will be in your kiddo's cubby tonight.

  1. Advent Wreath that they made in class-we talked about lighting the candles, what they mean, and what order they get lit in.So when you are ready to light them on Sunday, they will know which on to do first.
  2. Prayer sheet-Just a little prayer for when you light your advent wreath each week. When I was little we had one with a different prayer for everyday but I didn't want to hog the copier but you can find one online or at your church.
  3. Christmas Countdown Chain-they really worked on their pattern skills and counting skills on this one! Use it at home to help the little ones with counting, patterns, and being excited about Christmas!!!!(Even though I am sure they don't need help with that last one.
  4. A Christmas Countdown Challenge-just a resource with ideas on how to live out that little bit of Jesus inside of you everyday until Christmas, great for a family goal/challenge
  5. School Advent Resource-the big school is sending home packets of Advent resources every Friday.
Whew, that is a lot of stuff. I hope you find some or all of it useful in helping your child and your family keep the true spirit of Christmas alive in your hearts! Have a great weekend, I know there are a lot of festivities happening so enjoy! See you after school.
Miss Brittney

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