Two special treats for Easter today, Easter brownies and Resurrection Rolls! We took a marshmallow and pretended it was Jesus. On Good Friday, Jesus (the marshmallow) died, and was put in the tomb (a crescent roll). Before He was placed in the tomb, some of Jesus' followers helped to care for Him by putting special oils and spices on Him (cover the marshmallow in melted butter and cinnamon sugar). Then they rolled the stone in front of the tomb (wrap the marshmallow in the crescent roll). After three days (or 10-12 fast forward minutes in the oven at 350 degrees), Jesus friends came to see the tomb, but when they went to the tomb, they found it was empty (take a bite out of the crescent roll and find that it is hollow inside now, no marshmallow Jesus)...JESUS HAS RISEN!
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Monday, March 29, 2021
We started the day by talking about Holy Week and broke it down to Holy Thursday today. We had a "Last Supper" like Jesus had with His disciples complete with bread (crackers) and wine (juice) and a feet washing ceremony to show how we could be kind and giving just like Jesus!! Then we took that kindness around to a few teachers and ended up watching the cross being craned up to the top of the church! We couldn't waste a second of this gorgeous day so we took a walk to see all of the BEAUTIFUL spring trees (including the popcorn trees that we are going to make in class later. While on our walk, we came across...THE GOVERNOR! We stopped to visit for a while and he invited us into the capitol to see his office! The kiddos were excited to use the VIP staircase, look around the huge office, and see all of the Governor's cool medals. They were very respectful and well behaved, everyone we passed commented on that:) All in all, it has been quite the busy but wonderful day. Governor pictures are on FB and I will share the link as soon as I get it. Enjoy the beautiful day!
Dear Families, Welcome to Preschool! This school year your child and I will be learning how to handle being in school, how to recognize lett...
Nothing better than a little outdoor recess on a gorgeous, almost spring day!
The Little Elves were hard at work helping me pass out Christmas gifts to some amazing people who keep our school running all day long-Ms. K...