So today has been both a success and a failure....they are really enjoying themselves, which is mostly all that matters but I fear you all may be upset with me...I miscalculated their sugar high and crash times and am sad to report that almost nobody has napped yet today;) I pray that the crash comes conveniently at bedtime with an ease of transition and not a horrible tantrum;) At snack time today I am going to try to stuff them full of healthy food and see if that helps to calm some of the vibrating energy radiating from their excited bodies-my motto this week has been if you can't beat them, join them but even I cannot manufacture the same kind of joy, excitement, anticipation, and sugar rush that is happening to these munchkins! So good luck riding the wave-oh and they are bringing home cookies that they decorated tonight:) We have talked about eating them when our parents say it is ok, even if that means waiting till after dinner or even tomorrow so I am leaving their sugar encrusted gingerbread people eating to your discretion-May the odds be ever in your favor! Merry Christmas!